Thursday, March 25, 2010

Technical problems fixed

Despite technical problems earlier today you should now be able to post on my blog.  Thank you to Marlene  for letting me know!  Luckily I visited her site last night and after laughing hilariously for a while left her a message and she was kindly trying to return the favor, you may want to check out her blog if you are looking for entertainment:
In the meanwhile, please feel free to browse here and leave some comments :-)

By the way, if any of you have found a good non fussy 3 column template for your blog that works well (not the pretty background, but the template thing) would you share the link with me?  For now we've had to switch back to 2 columns....


  1. Kristina, blogger just came out with a new function, you should try it out here: Pick a template, then go into layout and there are several 3 column blog layouts to chose from. It's all in draft, so it doesn't take effect until you click to apply it. It's brand new so there are lots of instructions there. You might want to save a backup of your current blog though!

  2. You're welcome!! Thanks for the mention. :) Glad your blog is working again! (So I can leave my autograph here for ya!) *snort*

  3. Oh, no! I was thinking of switching to 3 but now I'm not sure. I did see the link that Christine sent though and may give it a try! Isn't Marlene's blog awesome! I swear to god I've never laughed so hard & she is one talented lady!
