Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cherry on Top Award

Tuesday is here, and the beginning of a short work week for many of us :-)
I have some fun trivia to share with you.  I had a nice surprise from Kathy (Lucky Stamper) of http://luckystamper.blogspot.com/ which is a Chery on Top Award....Thank you Kathy for thinking of me!

Of course there a few things I need to do, as a recipient of the award, thank the person who gave it to me, with a link to their blog, post the award, share three things about yourself, or things you like to do, then pass the award to five more people.

So three things about me (which you will hopefully find interesting!)

- I LOVE to vacation at the very same all inclusive resort every year, and prefer to travel with the same airline, stay in the same room, go to the same restaurants, and hang out with the same folks every time.....obviously not much of an adventurer LOL!
- My FAVORITE weekend is one where I go home from work on Friday and put on my nighty and then don't put on real clothes or leave the house until Monday morning....not that I'm antisocial or anything {grin}
- If I could choose any restaurant to go to for any meal at any time, I'd pick my favorite dim sum restaurant, where they have wonderful shrimp dumplings with banana in them, and mango pudding--yum!

Now, here are 5 folks I'd like to share this aware with, folks whose blogs I visit very regularly, and I thought I'd also note what I most enjoy about my visits to their blogs.  Given I daily visit about 30 blogs, picking 5 was a problem, so I tried to pick one where I hadn't seen them fill in one of these quizes lately, folks that I thought might carry on the chain (I know some of you have stated previously on your blogs that you don't do these) and then further narrowed it down to folks that I had visited in the past day....without further ado (drum roll here!):

Annmarie, EmuCreations - I love hearing about Australia, and the occasional photo of animals that I've not even heard of.
Christine, Hyde N Seek Creations- does a great job with CAS cards that are mailable, and isn't that what we usually need?!
Spardha, Get Addicted to Craft  -  - neat scrap layouts and I like reading about her balance between school work and crafting
Crystal, Creations of a spare time stamper - very cute cards, and I enjoy the occasional glimpse into her life that she shares.
 Roberta, Peach Pit - I like your stories (and your recipes!), they make me smile.


  1. Thanks sweetie for thinking of me! Love your work too!

  2. Totally deserved, my friend - you are one amazing creator! Blessings!
