Sunday, August 12, 2012

Birthday Swap

Happy Sunday!

The weather has been fabulous here and we've been spending lots of time in the garden, and also in the kitchen canning all of our plums (almost done!).  So far we've made 3 types of chutney, 6 types of plum jam and also pickled whole plums.....I'm thinking it will soon be time to turn the kitchen back in to a craft room LOL!

Anyway, before we started the canning operating, I completed 3 sets of cards for a birthday swap--two sets for male birthday cards and one for female birthday cards.  Since I'm mailing to the states I wanted to make sure that the cards, while still beautiful and trade worthy, were also light and not bulky so it didn't cost too much to post, very challenging!

Sorry for the poor pictures, it's a new camera, and time is short and no time for photo editing.....

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous cards. Love both the clock and fern images. You do masculine cards so well.
